Friday, February 29, 2008

Super Nanny?

It is 10:30... I have now been attempting to get Wyatt to fall asleep for TWO hours! You see, Wyatt is quite spoiled, more spoiled than he should be. And I know much much better than to spoil him when it comes to bedtime and naps when we aren't at work. I think subconsciously that in a way I feel sorry for him that he has to come to work with me. Yup, you heard me. OH PLEASE ASHLEY! Don't worry it sounds just as ridiculous to me as it does to you. He couldn't be luckier, he gets more than enough attention during the day from just about everyone in the office! But my bad parenting habits such as: letting him fall asleep in my arms then laying him down or Laying down with him in my bed until he falls asleep and then putting him in his crib. Well they have come back to bite me in the butt! Which I realized after walking into the room for the 75Th time to lay him back down with avoiding eye contact or talking to him. (All of which I learned on super nanny, she's a genius!) And two hours later it has paid off! I always wanted to be the parent that didn't give in, that stuck to their guns to avoid all the chaos. Thank heaven he's only 7 months. I need to stop now, I'm just such a pushover! If he just wasn't so darn cuddly!

On another note... I have a crush and I feel like I'm in junior high. I feel all awkward and dorky, I wonder if I'm smiling too much around him or acting weird. I feel like it's been a century since I've gone on a date or attempted to really date anyone. I think part of my crush is that I love the whole idea of who he is. I think that if I got out "my husband is..." list he might match every thing on it! For the time being I'm just going to wait it out. See what comes of it, because who knows if he even feels anything for me, it's possible that he doesn't. I'm not really going to say too much because people who read my blog know who he is. And it will feel even more like junior high if he finds out from someone else lol "So I read ashley's blog..." Yup EMBARRASSING!

So that's pretty much the life of Ashley right now. Andrea's new house is BEAUTIFUL! And we're all just anxiously awaiting the arrival or Victoria which she will be here for sure on Monday. And I'm going to get Wyatt's pictures taken tomorrow. I have procrastinated far too long. So I'll get those up as soon as I get them!

Love you all!


  1. Ooh I know all about the crush! :)

    That picture of Wyatt is cute. Thanks for coming over and I don't really even think I'm in labor for real.

  2. Good job Ashley! I'm a push-over mommy when it comes to most things....except sleeping! That is the one thing that Cameron NEVER gets to bend the rules on! And because of it...he has been going to bed at 6:30 pm SHARP and wakes up at 7:30. It has been heaven for the past year!!! Wyatt is sooo cute, I haven't seen him in awhile! I need to get over to see Ivy too, if things ever calm down around here!

  3. Let's discuss this crush some more. Who is he? What does he look like? Is he funny?

    Must have details.

  4. Who is the crush? Do I kow the person?

  5. Depends... who are you anonymous? I can't talk about the crush on here. It's dangerous. And what if you are my crush anonymous? Unless you're who I think you are, and I just don't travel that way!

  6. WHo might the crush be?? j/k I know!! You guys should be together... I got Jackson used to falling alseep in our arms so we are working on just putting him in his bed and letting him go to sleep on his own. He usually cries for a couple of minutes and Clayton wants to give in but last night he only cried for about five minutes then he went to sleep. So just hold your ground and he will eventually get it.

  7. Soooooooo? I got side tracked in NY last week, but that doesn't mean you are off the hook, missy. Crush details, NOW!

    How's that for bossy? I am learning from my favorite 2 year olds.

  8. I'm starting to doubt my crushing now. I think it is more the idea of who this person is, the way he is with Wyatt. He's great, he's a good guy, good friend... and I think that is all it is or ever will be.

  9. I'm starting to doubt my crushing now. I think it is more the idea of who this person is, the way he is with Wyatt. He's great, he's a good guy, good friend... and I think that is all it is or ever will be.
