I just got to thinking and although valentines day has passed by like 35 minutes... I was thinking about all the people in my life that I love, which is a lot of people. And then I starting thinking about how much I love my mom and how I don't know what I would have done without her these past couple months. I don't know that anyone gives her enough credit for what she does. I know I don't. But she has held me together and helped me out more than I think I could ever describe. From helping me with my laundry, or Wyatt or coming over to my place and putting up with my horrible "where are the freaking men" attitude while trying to figure out how to drywall my stupid laundry room, she's amazing. I don't know that I will ever cease to amaze my mom with the suprises I pull, but she's still right by my side or behind me pushing me! Which seems to be the case lately. I could probably go on forever about her. But I am grateful for her, I'm grateful for the strong woman she is and continues to be, I'm grateful that she has kept our family together for all these years and has only threatened to run away from us a few times, I'm grateful that not only is she my mom but my best friend. So thank you mom!
Ok Ashley, thanks for bringing tears to my eyes. I'm glad that you have such a wonderful mother to help you out. Now send her my way, I have some laundry that needs to be done and a child that needs to be watched...kidding! I often times wish I had my family closer, it's tough and I'd love love love to have my mom near, they really can be amazing life savers.