Tuesday, September 18, 2007

everyone's got an opinion...

I understand that people mean well, and that they just want to help out the single mom... But it's starting to really drive me crazy. It just seems like everyone thinks that they know what's best for me and Wyatt. I love Wyatt's dad, always have and always will. But I don't have to put up with what he has chosen to do with his life... which right now is nothing. Everyone wants me to go after him for money. What money? This guy I work with (who i really respect and like) just came in and talked to me for like 15 minutes (although it seemed like an eternity) about how I should get money from him and get it set up in a trust account. And by not doing so I'm just cheating Wyatt. Which yes, that's a smart thing and a really good idea. But honestly it would be easier for me to just put money into a trust account. Maybe I am being to easy on Chad. But then again I'm just doing what I feel I need to do right now. And if I told half these people that it's my decision not to have Chad around right now they would think I was crazy... wait a second...they already do for not using him for money he doesn't have. *sighs*


  1. Just tell us all to "shut it" when we start to get on your nerves. You do your thing, your way, strong girl. :)

  2. i usually just smile and nod...HEY! next time that doofus asks you out, just smile and keep nodding your head no while he talks, and then walk away. you don't even have to say anything!

  3. I think you should go all Maury Povich on them: "You don't know me!" In your best ghetto accent.

  4. Ashley- its your choice, and we love you and support you for whatever you choose. And if someone doesn't, than their opinion doesn't count!

  5. LOL Kate! I'll have to get the whole finger snap down too! And get all up in their grill or whatever. I'll have to ask Amy if I said that right, so watched BET (BLack Entertainment TV or something like that) and would know.

    And thank you Camille!

  6. Oh no you dit-nt girl!

  7. Ahem. It's time for more pictures, please!
