Thursday, July 24, 2008


I know that my child is a mamma's boy. This is inevitable, obviously. Wyatt is so good with people, he loves everyone, he plays like he is shy and all that cute fun stuff. So obviously at some point my perfect little child would have to have a flaw right? I have now found that flaw.

GYM DAY CARE!! I was so thrilled to upgrade my membership so that I could use the day care while I worked out. It eliminates trying to find someone to watch wyatt... drive him to them, drive back to the gym, then back to get wyat and so on. I think you get the point.

First experience with the day care couldn't have gone better and the second time as well. Few tears were shed and each time I picked him up he was playing with other kids. I was so excited!

The third experience is where it all hit the fan. I signed him in and dropped him off as usual, went to the cinema room (coolest thing ever) and 15 minutes later one of the cute girls had to come find me because "wyatt just won't calm down". Sure enough.. there is my child bawling hysterically. So we signed out and left the gym. And the boy didn't calm down, he cried in the car, he cried when we got home, the whole time I was in the shower... I was so baffled by the whole situation. And it happened again yesterday. I did get a longer work out however, but not by much. I'm just thankful the girls are so nice about it and understanding.

Now I don't know what to do or how to break my child of me. I am now wishing that I would have upgraded six months ago when I first thought about it, so that he was used to being around other kids and having other people watch him. Wyatt is with me 24/7, he is great with other people because, HELLO ASHLEY, you're standing right there! He stops what he is doing just to come give me a hug. Yes... it is adorable, but what happens when he starts going to school? Is he going to be doing his art project and stop to give me a hug and I'm not there and then just lose it? K so over reaction, but i'm kind of freaking out. So.. um any suggestions?


  1. You have plagarized my blog entry entitled "Sigh." I'm going to sue.

    I think you should just keep taking him back. Just talk to the girls at the daycare and make a plan. Leave him 15 minutes the first time, 20 minutes the next time. Don't give up!!

  2. You can do it! Kids just take a minute to get used to things! We just put Kristin in a big bed- and we have been having to do the same thing- just ease into it!

  3. I agree with Kate to just keep going. It will get better. I have a friend who is SO overly clingy to her son, and now her son is like 16 months old and screams every time she even goes to the bathroom. I keep telling her to leave him with other people, but she won't.
    Wyatt will learn quickly that he is safe and that Mom always comes and gets him. Same concept for took Cameron about 4 weeks before he stopped crying all together, and now he loves it.

  4. I've already told you this...but i'll tell you again. Keep doing what your doing Ash, he'll eventually get used to the idea of having someone other than you watch him. It may take a while. But don't give up! :)

    Let's continue our workouts...see you bright and early in the morning!

  5. You are my hero for even daring to raise another human life, so the fact that your child is clean and alive makes you one of the most capable people I know.
