Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Adventure!!

So Amy has been talking about this a ton lately and yesterday I got on board! She actually kinda freaked out a little in her Amy way and couldn't believe I'd do it with her. But I'm totally stoked.....
Bikram Yoga!!
What is Bikram Yoga you ask? I highlighted all the key points for those of you who would rather skip over all the mumbo jumbo so to speak!
Living yoga master Bikram Choudhury is a Hot Yoga innovator. His method of Hot Yoga is a set series of 26 yoga poses, including two pranayama exercises(breathing exercises), each of which is performed twice in a single 90 minute class*. Choudhury, who was born in Calcutta, India in 1946, founded the Yoga College of India in Beverly Hills in 1974. He and his wife Rajashree were both yoga champions in India.
The recommended temperature is minimum

105F degrees and about 40% humidity.
The room is kept at this temperature or more for the following:
Keeping the body from overheating (contrary to popular misconception)
Protecting the muscles to allow for deeper stretching
Detoxing the body (open pores to let toxins out)
Thinning the blood to clear the circulatory system
Increasing heart rate for better cardiovascular workout
Improving strength by putting muscle tissue in optimal state for reorganization
Reorganize the lipids (fat) in the muscular structure

I may be Crazy, but I really am excited about this! Amy was telling me that for the first time they recommend that you go on an empty stomache and be very well hydrated. First timers can get nauscious and pass out... so this saturday Amy and I are waking up early and are going to experience this HOT 90 minute yoga class! It's going to be awesome!!

*Chello! 90 Minutes of Torture! I haven't worked out for 90 minutes in awhile, so this could be very interesting!


  1. Yeah, um. Good luck with that! :)

  2. So, where is this going to be at? Is there a cost? How do I get on board? I'd love to do this bikram yoga. Considering that I only need a little toning and i'll have a GREAT body lol. Let me know ASAP.

    Thank You :)

  3. What a concept! Keep the room warmer than the body to keep it cool! I often keep frozen pizzas in the oven to keep them from getting too hot as well!

  4. oooh. I can't wait to hear about what you think! Go Ash!

  5. Mwahahahahaha Brian!

  6. So maybe it makes you sweat more, and then it is so hot that you perspire faster, and we all know that perspiration is a cooling effect. Is that the idea behind it?

  7. .....but then wouldn't you get dehydrated quickly?

  8. you know... i'm not the one that came up with it lol you do perspire more, but you have to make sure you stay hydrated.. which you should anyway... i don't know brian, i don't have the answers, i just went to a yoga class
