Sunday, March 14, 2010

running just as fast as we can

Here we go again.... see here. Another run and I'm starting to think I'm a little insane. I don't know if this is quite as intense as the Ragnar relay's, but I will soon find out. And at least I don't have to be far from home! Now if my leg will get better and cooperate with me, that would be fantastic.

I never feel like I have a lot to blog about or just feel like no one wants to read about our lives day in and day out because honestly nothing really changes. Although, some days Wyatt isn't so crazy. I wish I had the energy that he does, he rarely stops going. In a few short months he will be 3 and I can't believe how fast this time has gone by. I'm so grateful for him in my life, he brings a lot of purpose and happiness to me. He loves our family and is constantly talking about them and can't contain his excitement in seeing them. Lately he talks about Peter a lot, we miss him a ton. Stinkin Colorado.

Wyatt and Ivy are good buddies and together become quite the handful.

Wyatt and the magnifying glass.

And this is what happens when he plays with Charlotte.
They have a lot of fun together (98% of the time). This evening Charlotte was trying to teach Wyatt how to play hide-n-seek and kept getting upset because he didn't quite catch on to the game. A few times he came downstairs and when he went back up Charlotte would scream "I found you!" and then they would continue on.

We have a good family and I'm grateful that Wyatt has such great cousins to grow up with. And if you all can put good vibes out there for my leg... that would be much appreciated! :)


  1. I'm jealous of your relays--they seem like a lot of fun. I hope your knee cooperates. I love reading about your life and seeing pictures of Wyatt growing up. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am happy you're gonna do the Lake Chase. I will pray for your leg! Keep blogging, I like to read it :)
