Monday, October 5, 2009

I've been horrible at blogging and decided to do a quick little update...

Wyatt turned 2 in July and we had a fun weekend in Glenwood with our family. Lots of four wheeling, games, a pool party, water fight, gifts and of course some cake.

I thought that I would make it out of the so called "terrible two's" and that W would be a perfect little angel. And boy was I wrong, this kid has some attitude. After three time outs and being slapped across the face and having my hair pulled in the check out line at Walmart, I have come to accept these next few months and I will do it with a smile on my face and a scratch on my cheek. He's too adorable and I just love everything about him, temper tantrum and all.

Wy with his head in the "bargage" can.


  1. Way cute pics! I love reading your posts about Wyatt because I always feel like we're going through the same thing. (: 2-year-old boys--gotta love 'em! (: Oh, and that cake looks AWESOME!!!

  2. Wow--he is looking so grown up.
