Monday, June 1, 2009

our life

lately i feel like there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done! wyatt got his staples out on saturday and it was rather quick and he only said "ow" really quietly. easy enough! and he loved the fish tank in the waiting area and that's all he could really focus on, that and the suckers.

my family has been cleaning out my grandma's house and that took up most of the weekend, which is fine. she moved into a senior center and now her house just sits empty. it's been harder than i thought and it has really hit me that my grandma won't be around forever. i haven't experienced a lot of death in my life, so it's hard for me to think about. especially for my close friends and family.

wyatt all last week was such a stinker, nap time and bedtime were pretty much just hell. that is the best way for me to describe it. after discussions with my family, i decided to stick with a strict bedtime routine and just like magic our problem is fixed. instead of 4 hours of screaming a night (from wyatt not me) he gets right in bed and doesn't even attempt to climb out. he just goes to sleep like he always has before if not better. we start out with a bath, jammies on, tv and most lights off, books on mommy's bed, i tell him what we'll be doing the next day, prayers, and then into bed. it's wonderful! thanks for everyone's input and help.

everything else has been going pretty well and there is nothing really to complain about. i just need to say thanks to andrea who has been my life saver lately. she has been more than willing to help me out with wyatt twice a week and it makes a world of difference. so thank you! i can't say it enough.


  1. I'm glad the routine is going well.

  2. sorry I was so dang ornery today please don't take it personally, it was not directed at your kid just all kids in general and motherhood in general. love you.
