Tuesday, May 13, 2008

some updates

I kinda almost forgot that I was a mother, well I didn't forget but it was weird that this mothers day I received things for being a mom. So it was nice!

Wyatt is so dang funny. He just cracks me up, he is in to EVERYTHING! At home I'm okay with it, I let him roam around and do what he wants. (within reason!) Work kinda the same too, but when I'm other places it's a little harder and I feel like I have to watch him more carefully. So it becomes pretty exhausting. He isn't in one place for too long unless he's completely worn out.

Wyatt has a few new favorite things:

1. His bear from grandpa g. (Sounds pretty gangster doesn't it) It really is just about the cutest bear I have ever seen. According to my mom he always could pick out a good stuffed animal. He gets really excited when he sees it and knows that it's just about time for bed!

2.Nilla Wafers

The get soggy super fast, taste delicious and of course make a huge mess!
What teething child wouldn't love these?

3. Sneering

Check out this killer sneer! He's a pro and looks oh so cute doing it to!

4. Dogs

Wyatt absolutely loves dogs.
My boss has a German shepherd named Jack and Wy loves looking out the window to watch him and thinks it's so funny when he barks at us.

5. Walks

Wyatt loves our walks, he loves looking around and talking, but most of the time he's just silent while taking it all in! Last night he wouldn't go to sleep to I strapped him in the stroller and off we went. Oh and he is starting to get really good at walking around, he had lots of practice yesterday at moms when we were all just hanging out. He kinda freaks Charlotte out and Drew thinks it's funny and that he looks like he's trying to box someone, I'll have to get pictures with his fists up doing his thing.

My New Favorite Things...

Baby oil gel could possibly be the best thing in America! It works so much better than regular baby oil and the lavender smells super good to. Use it in the shower a few minutes before you get out and you'll be good to go!
This stuff is also great! I like how it doesn't turn you all orange!

I love summer! I'm so excited it's here!!


  1. Didn't you notice my gorgous tan yesterday? Thank you Jergens.

  2. You can thank me for telling you to start using the famous jergens...lol.
    Glad you like it! I think it's great as well!

  3. Oh ya--Gotta love Jergens. They get lots of my money!

  4. i love all your fav's I just might have to copy. I think wyatt might just be a boxer, he's tuff, charlotte could be his first victim, Oh I mean challenger
