Friday, April 18, 2008

My worst fear come true!

Okay... so not completely true, just partially. Okay, well not even that because it was just a dream. But last night I had a dream that Chad (Or whatever else you would chose to call him, I'll leave that up to you) kidnapped Wyatt. It was the worst thing ever. In the end I got Wyatt back, but everything inbetween was horrible. When I woke up my whole bed was torn apart and I felt like I had the tar kicked out of me. My whole body is so sore, my back totally hurts. It was the weirdest thing. I'm not really sure why I had the dream, it isn't something that I really ever think of and highly doubt happening. But still... it did a number on me and I totally wish I was able to take a nap!


  1. I'm glad it was just a dream, but it's kind of funny how it gave you such a work out! =)

  2. Ohmigosh! Your nightmare is gonna give me nightmares. Phew that it was only a dream!

  3. Wow. Don't worry, Chad doesn't have enough brain cells to rub together to come up with a kidnapping scheme. Or feelings for that matter!

  4. How is Wyatt's room coming along? I think of you whenever I see a rocking horse!!! Sorry about your dream, I hate it when you dream about things that you'd rather not even think doesn't seem fair that you're stuck without a choice cuz you're asleep!!!
