Friday, April 27, 2007

and ya'll thought myspace was bad!

Just a heads up to everyone... I decided to try and figure this site out and at the top of the page there is a little thing you can click that says "next blog"... ya I would advise against that. Unless you're into that whole porn thing.


  1. And P.S. Sorry if you think it's random that I'm commenting on your site! But Kate can't have the monopoly on all the funny blogs.

  2. Ashley - I love your BF #1. He's hot. And you're hot. Except don't watch him in that crazy pervert show. You'll have to turn it off and never speak of him again.

  3. if you are refering to american psycho... well you're too late on that one! i just try to block that out :)

  4. That's it! Ewe. What was he thinking????

  5. i'm not sure... he wasn't thinking!
