Thursday, June 5, 2008

I can't believe how fast life goes by. Wyatt will be ONE next month. I can't even believe it! He is such a fun little kid with the cutest personality. He now pretends to be shy anytime anyone talks to him. He will smile a huge cheeser, look down, and twiddle his fingers around. It's so darn cute! And I'm convinced he only does it because it ALWAYS gets the biggest reaction. He also is quite the dancer, I love it. One of his personal favorite songs is 4 minutes by Madonna and Justin Timberlake and now Crazytown's starry eyed suprise. And of course he is walking all over the dang place. Although he started a little over a month ago, he's pretty much mastered it now. And suprisingly we've only had a few bumps. He's been pretty cautious so far, it's when he gets super excited we get a bump.

So I guess now I have to plan his birthday party. I know it's a big thing, but really how much can you do for a one year old? It will be fun though! So I'm going to get planning now!


  1. Wow! Time does fly! Cute pic. Did you ever finish the cowboy room? We want pictures.

  2. Cowboy room isn't even started. I'm such a slacker. But I am going to paint this weekend.

  3. I kept Cameron's 1st birthday rather simple and will probably do the same for his 2nd. I will go all out for his 3rd though, when he'll actually care!! It'll be so cute...I can't wait to see Wyatt's face all covered in cake and frosting! Cutie boy, Ash, way to go!
